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We released an update to the Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual (ACFML) plugin. This update primarily addresses a fix for translating ACF’s system fields.

System fields fix in ACF Multilingual 1.5.0

When a field was translated in ACF, the translation would appear in the WordPress admin. However, the translation was not always showing on the front-end.

This was due to the way ACF creates a system field where it stores metadata. For example, if you create an image field called “test_image”, a system field is also created called “_test_image”, with an underscore at the beginning. This is used to store information such as image size, caption, alt text and so forth.

The Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual plugin now sets all system fields to copy by default. This resolves the issue and the translated field is properly displayed on the front-end. Users who were experiencing the issue no longer need to manually set the translation preferences to copy.

Download and Install

You can find the latest Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual plugin on the downloads page of your WPML account.


Are you already using ACFML 1.5? Tell us what you think about the improved translation workflow. Feel free to drop us a comment!

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