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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using the JetEngine plugin and its Relations feature on a site with two languages, there is an issue with the relationship between custom post types. Let’s say that we have two custom post types, for example, shop and coupon. If a relation is set between those two custom post types in default language, and then the shop post is translated, the relationship is unexpectedly moved to the translated shop post.


Translate your custom post type (coupon) before setting the relationship.

6 Réponses à “JetEngine - Post Type Relationship Moves to Translated Post”

  1. Hi, I’ve an issue like the one described…
    I realized a website in one language with relations…
    I’ve added the second language translations after….
    I think is a common way to build a website, therefore it becomes very important to find a solution.
    Any news about it?

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