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Page Builder by SiteOrigin est un module d’extension recommandé en raison de son engagement à assurer une compatibilité permanente et de son partenariat avec WPML. Page Builder by SiteOrigin esttotalement compatible avec WPML.

Page Builder by SiteOrigin

– Développé par Site Origin

Version 2.29.5 (problèmes connus)

Dernier test le : février 19, 2024

SiteOrigin is a free page builder that utilizes standard WordPress widgets, allowing you to build a WordPress website the way that you know and love. It uses a simple drag and drop interface to build grid-based, responsive pages. It also has a live editor, meaning you can design and edit your site in real-time without having to leave the page.

For users looking to extend their available widgets, SiteOrigin’s Widgets Bundle is also WPML-compatible.

Problèmes connus