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WooCommerce Product Filters è compatibile con WPML. Questo plug-in è stato testato a fondo e può essere utilizzato per creare siti multilingue senza riscontrare problemi.

WooCommerce Product Filters

– Sviluppato da Barn2 Media

Versione 1.4.19

Data dell’ultimo test: Novembre 5, 2024

Give your customers comprehensive filtering options in your WooCommerce store.

As stated by Barn2:

In general, you can use WooCommerce Product Filters with WPML – for example, using its string translation feature. However, there is one limitation that we are aware of, in which certain filters (such as attribute filters) may not show the filter options in all languages.

This is a complex issue to fix and will require quite a lot of redevelopment work in the plugin. As a result, we are tracking the demand for full WPML integration. Please submit a feature request if you would like this – this will help us to consider whether to add it in future.

Problemi noti

Al momento non vi sono problemi di compatibilità non risolti tra questo plug-in e WPML. Cercate tutti i problemi noti.