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I would like the language switcher show the name of the other language, not the active one

Iniciado por: walterS-22 em: English Support
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2 2 1 mês, 1 semana atrás


WP-CLI works only with main languages Posts 1 2

Iniciado por: Dimitri em: English Support
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2 19 1 mês, 2 semanas atrás


Where do I update CPT archive link?

Iniciado por: lidijaH em: English Support
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2 3 1 mês, 2 semanas atrás

Prosenjit Barman

links inside acfs are not translated

Iniciado por: pabloG-55 em: Chat Support

1 2 1 mês, 2 semanas atrás

I want to know if this feature was developed since last year

Iniciado por: antoniaE-2 em: English Support

2 4 1 mês, 2 semanas atrás

Bruno Kos

WooCommerce Product Translation Includes Unwanted Media (Alt Text, Title, Description) Despite Media…

Iniciado por: xenofonV-2 em: Chat Support

1 2 1 mês, 3 semanas atrás

Automatic translation for British English

Iniciado por: mathieuB-48 em: English Support

2 3 1 mês, 3 semanas atrás

Long Nguyen

Modification of internal links in ACF WYSIWYG field

Iniciado por: nicolasG-15 em: English Support

3 6 1 mês, 3 semanas atrás


Way to customize ALT text for language switcher flags without modifying core files?

Iniciado por: laurensB-4 em: English Support
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2 5 1 mês, 4 semanas atrás


Minimum price – no service

Iniciado por: dominikM-32 em: English Support

2 3 1 mês, 4 semanas atrás

Christopher Amirian

Order of ACF Fields in the ATE

Iniciado por: Boris em: English Support

1 2 2 meses atrás

I am unable to link the translated subcategory to its translated parent category.

Iniciado por: fabioB-41 em: Assistenza in italiano
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2 11 2 meses atrás


Lifting charge for specific currency

Iniciado por: piaP-6 em: Chat Support

1 2 2 meses atrás

rankmath seo on wpml translated pages – manual edits gets lost ant ATE you have no Clue what SEO aff…

Iniciado por: antoniusP-2 em: English Support

2 11 2 meses atrás

Bruno Kos

Translating Gravity Form Entries

Iniciado por: matthewB-39 em: English Support
Solução rápida disponível

3 5 2 meses atrás
