Problem: You are trying to display a currency switcher in the footer using a shortcode, and while it is visible in the backend, it does not appear in the frontend. Solution: If you're experiencing this issue, we recommend checking if the Multi-currency section in WooCommerce is enabled. Here are the steps to resolve the issue: 1. Navigate to WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual > Multi-Currency. 2. Ensure that the Multi-Currency option is enabled. 3. Set the currency switching mode to 'site language' instead of 'per location'. After making these adjustments, the currency switcher should appear on the frontend as expected.
Please note that this solution might be outdated or not applicable to your specific case. We highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the issue persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum for further assistance.
Problem: The client was experiencing issues with incorrect product images in the English version of their website after duplicating a product and updating its details. Additionally, there was confusion about what '7 left' means next to the 'Duplicate terms' option in WPML. Solution: First, we recommended editing the primary language product and clicking "Update" to resync the data to the translated product. If the images still appeared incorrect, we suggested clearing the cache using the "Clear the cache in WPML" button found in WPML > Support > Troubleshooting. For issues related to missing brands on translated products, the solution involved resaving the product in the original language and retranslating it to ensure all data is correctly synced across languages.
If these steps do not resolve your issue, or if the solution seems outdated or not applicable to your case, we highly recommend checking the related known issues, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. Additionally, you can open a new support ticket for further assistance at WPML support forum.
Problem: Nach einem Update auf WPML 4.7.0 und die aktuelle WCML-Version traten Probleme auf, darunter falsche Spracheinstellungen in Permalinks und WCML, verlorene String-Übersetzungen und fehlerhafte Anzeigen auf englischen Seiten. Ein Downgrade löste einige Probleme nicht vollständig. Solution: Wenn Sie ähnliche Probleme erleben, empfehlen wir Ihnen, folgende Schritte zu befolgen: 1) Erstellen Sie ein Backup oder testen Sie die Änderungen zuerst auf einer Staging-Umgebung. 2) Löschen Sie die Datei
im Verzeichnis
. 3) Bearbeiten Sie unter WPML → Taxonomy Translation eine der betroffenen Attribute (z. B. „Höhe“), die in einem betroffenen Produkt verwendet werden. Dadurch wird eine aktualisierte .MO-Sprachdatei generiert, und die Ausgabe wird wieder korrekt.
Diese Lösung könnte veraltet sein oder nicht auf Ihr Problem zutreffen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die bekannten Probleme zu überprüfen, die Version der dauerhaften Lösung zu bestätigen und sicherzustellen, dass Sie die neuesten Versionen von Themes und Plugins installiert haben. Sollten weiterhin Probleme bestehen, zögern Sie nicht, ein neues Support-Ticket zu eröffnen.
Problem: If you're experiencing an issue where your site switches from English to German when adding a product to the cart, but the 'go to cart' bar remains in English, we can help. Solution: First, ensure that your WPML plugin and all related add-ons are updated to the latest version, currently 4.7.1. You can check for the latest versions and update instructions on WPML's installation guide. Next, try changing the language URL format to 'Different languages in directories' by navigating to WPML → Languages → Language URL format in your site's backend. This adjustment might help maintain the desired language when adding items to your cart. Remember to back up your database before making any changes to prevent data loss.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems irrelevant due to being outdated or not applicable to your specific case, we highly recommend checking related known issues on WPML's known issues page. Also, confirm that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If problems persist, please open a new support ticket with us for further assistance.
Problem: Wenn Sie versuchen, die Seite 'Alle Produkte' mit WPML Multilingual CMS 4.7.1 aufzurufen, tritt ein fataler Fehler auf. Dieser Fehler wird durch das Erreichen des PHP-Speicherlimits verursacht, obwohl er durch WooCommerce-Code ausgelöst wird, aber nur in Verbindung mit WPML auftritt. Solution: Wir empfehlen, das PHP-Speicherlimit auf Ihrem Hosting-Konto zu erhöhen. Eine Erhöhung auf 512 MB sollte ausreichend sein, um das Problem zu beheben. Sie können die Anleitung zur Erhöhung des Speicherlimits hier einsehen: Wie man das PHP-Speicherlimit erhöht.
Falls diese Lösung veraltet ist oder nicht auf Ihr Problem zutrifft, empfehlen wir Ihnen, ein neues Support-Ticket zu eröffnen. Wir empfehlen auch, die Seite mit bekannten Problemen (bekannte Probleme) zu überprüfen, die Version der dauerhaften Lösung zu verifizieren und zu bestätigen, dass Sie die neuesten Versionen von Themes und Plugins installiert haben. Für weitere Unterstützung besuchen Sie bitte unser Support-Forum: WPML Support-Forum.
Problem: The client is trying to synchronize variable products using the WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency plugin after updating WPML. They encountered issues with the synchronization process where the count of synchronized items remains at zero, and the changes are not reflected even after refreshing the page. Solution: We explained that the synchronization of attributes only works for global attributes, which are created at Products > Attributes and can be translated at WPML > Taxonomy Translation. If the client used custom attributes (created directly on the products), they need to update the translations for each affected product individually to synchronize them. We recommended verifying if the attributes that need synchronization are global or custom and suggested updating the translations of the affected products to resolve any issues with missing attributes or variations on translated products.
If this solution does not apply to your situation, or if it seems outdated, we recommend opening a new support ticket. We also advise checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. For further assistance, please visit our support forum at WPML Support Forum.
Problem: The client is trying to configure the Swish payment gateway to only be shown for Swedish language users on their site and to allow payments in SEK while ordering in Euro. However, they encountered an issue where Swish is not supported for different currencies at checkout, and they received an error message 'AM03 - Invalid or missing currency' when attempting to pay with Swish on the English version of the site. Solution: We recommend setting SEK as a second currency in WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual & Multi-Currency and making it the default currency for the Swedish site language. Additionally, you should exclude SEK from being available in other active languages to prevent the error. For more detailed guidance, please read our documentation on WooCommerce Multilingual & Multi-Currency. If you need to exclude the Swish payment gateway for non-Swedish languages, the plugin author would need to participate in our Go Global Program.
Please note that this solution might be irrelevant if it's outdated or not applicable to your case. We highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the issue persists, please open a new support ticket.