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We have just released WPML 4.6.1, which includes an important security fix. We strongly recommend updating WPML to the latest version on all your websites as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we have released WPML 4.6.2 which resolves an issue with PHP 5.6 compatibility.

Two days ago, we received a report about an XSS vulnerability in WPML. Due to security reasons, we cannot provide further details at this time.

While we don’t know of any sites that have been affected, we always advise updating WPML whenever a new release addresses security issues – big or small.

All you need to do is update all your sites running WPML to the latest version, WPML 4.6.1.

How to Update to WPML 4.6.1

The latest versions of WPML plugins you should update to:

  • WPML Multilingual CMS 4.6.1
  • WPML String Translation 3.2.4 (if your site is using it)
  • WPML Media Translation 2.7.2 (if your site is using it)

We have rolled out WPML 4.6.1 to all sites, so you should be able to see the update by simply going to the Plugins page in the WordPress admin area.

It takes 24 hours since we release the plugins for updates to reach all of the sites.

If you don’t see WPML 4.6.1 available there, go to PluginsAdd New and click on the Commercial tab. Then, click the Check for updates button, and the update should appear in the list of available items.

Alternatively, you can manually update WPML on your site. To do this, log into your WPML account, go to the Downloads page, get WPML 4.6.1, and upload it to your site.

How to Report Security Issues to Us

We always handle security issues with the highest priority. 

If you ever encounter or learn about a potential security issue in any of our plugins, please let us know using our form for reporting security and vulnerability issues.

Upcoming WordPress 6.2 Release

On a side note, WordPress 6.2 is set to be released on March 28th. Rest assured, we’ll have another update ready for you before it’s out to prevent any compatibility issues with your site.

What’s New in WPML 4.6

If you haven’t updated your site to WPML 4.6 before, read the announcement post to catch up on new features and improvements.

Questions or Feedback?

If you have any questions, feedback, or concern, please let us know in the comments below. We’ll be happy to respond!

How can we make WPML better for you?

Share your thoughts and comments about our plugin, documentation, or videos by booking a Zoom call with Agnes, our Client Advocate. Your feedback matters and helps us improve.

Book a call with Agnes