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Resolved in: 4.3.7

Overview of the issue

Divi selective sync global modules cannot be translated using WPML translation editors.


Currently, you can translate the selective sync global modules using WPML’s manual translation.
Our developers are aware of the problem and are working on fixing it.

4 Antworten zu “Divi - Selective Sync global modules cannot be translated”

  1. With WPML active the Global modules are also not in sync anymore with the pages where those modules are in use, for example a global footer. Changing something in the footer will not become synced. I had to delete & add again the global footer on the pages.

    • Hi, we have a few fixes related to Divi coming in the next WPML release, the issue you are reporting is on our lists and will be added in one of the releases after the next one. Thanks!

      • Hi Amit, thank you for the update. I hope that the development team of Divi also assist your team because they actually build I think too fancy stuff for a WordPress CMS 😉 In the mean time I am back to the very stable and rapid Enfold theme where WPML works very well with.

        • Thanks! I could not agree more 😉 We are anyway doing what we can on our side and in close contact with the Divi team for any issues that require cooperation. happy to hear you are enjoying WPML & Enfold.