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Este tema contiene 0 respuestas, tiene 1 voz.

Última actualización por ondrejd-2 hace 8 meses.

Asistido por: Paola Mendiburu.

Autor Entradas
julio 30, 2024 en 7:34 am #16018955


Background of the issue:
I need to get the language code for taxonomy by its ID. I am writing some custom functions for WP All Export / WP All Import pro to export and import content more quickly. When I export all the taxonomies from the database, I don't have the language codes in the resulting CSV or XLSX, which complicates navigation in the sheet. I need help with a simple function. Example: get_wpml_taxonomy_language( $term_id = '' ){ if ( ! empty ( $term_id ){ return some_code_that_returns_language_code( $term_id ); } else { return; } }

I don't have the language codes in the resulting CSV or XLSX when exporting taxonomies.

How can I get the language code for a taxonomy by its ID?
Is there a function in WPML to return the language code for a taxonomy term?