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Este tema contiene 0 respuestas, tiene 1 voz.

Última actualización por magneF-2 hace 5 meses, 2 semanas.

Asistido por: Shekhar Bhandari.

Autor Entradas
septiembre 17, 2024 en 8:45 am


Background of the issue:
I was trying to do as instructed on ticket #16186335, but I think I made a mess of things and need assistance. The problem was that an image on the shop page for a translated language did not change as expected using the media translator. To fix this, I needed to disconnect the WPML translator and do a stand-alone template for the translated language. However, I ended up doing a new template and it does not connect with the original language, and have ended as a URL for the Swedish site.

I can choose to connect it to an existing page, but not to the actual shop page. There might be something wrong in this setup. I can choose to link it to the page called shop - however, this is the wrong page. The real shop page in original language is named /butik-2/ for some reason.

How can I correctly connect the new template to the original shop page?
Why is the real shop page in the original language named /butik-2/?
Is there a way to revert the changes made to the template?

septiembre 17, 2024 en 9:44 am