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Última actualización por silkeR hace 5 meses, 3 semanas.

Asistido por: Noman.

Autor Entradas
Abril 4, 2024 en 8:27 am


Hello, we have installed your tool on the website and had the website translated into four languages. Unfortunately, the pages are not displayed correctly in the translations (page name on website, header/slider and translation are not displayed) Systemic requirements are all present according to our programmer. The update of the WPML Multilingual CMS plug-in does not start either. We are under a lot of pressure from our customers, as a multilingual newsletter is to be sent out on Friday. We are therefore hoping for quick support. Many thanks and best regards

Abril 4, 2024 en 10:55 am
Este ticket ya está cerrado. Si eres cliente de WPML y necesitas ayuda relacionada, abre un nuevo ticket de soporte.