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YaySMTP – Simple WP SMTP Mail es compatible con WPML. Este plugin ha sido probado exhaustivamente y se puede utilizar para crear sitios multilingües sin problemas.

YaySMTP – Simple WP SMTP Mail

– Desarrollado por YayCommerce

Versión 2.5.9

Última prueba realizada el: junio 10, 2024

Simple WP SMTP Mail – YaySMTP is a WordPress plugin that allows users to send emails through their chosen SMTP server. The plugin offers a range of powerful options for connecting with popular email services such as Gmail SMTP, Sendinblue SMTP, Zoho SMTP, and SendGrid SMTP. Setting up the plugin takes just three steps, which include filling in the sender’s email and name, choosing an SMTP service provider, and configuring settings with built-in fields.

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