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DataSource International

Connect your WordPress website to DataSource using WPML and start sending content for translation from within the admin dashboard.

Service Offered

What is DataSource?

DataSource has helped clients translate more than 100 websites last year. They have a specific department handling website content which means they can translate with marketing/SEO compatibility in mind and are able to handle various web formats such as XLIFF, HTML, JSON, WPML, etc. DataSource is ranked as a Top30 agency in the Asia Pacific by the CSA, and translates to 80+ target languages.

Traduce con DataSource International y WPML

El panel de gestión de traducciones de WPML facilita la traducción de tu sitio web con DataSource International. Simplemente selecciona qué contenido deseas traducir, a qué idiomas, y envíalo a DataSource International.

Comienza con DataSource International

Para traducir con DataSource International y WPML, necesitas el plan Multilingual CMS o Multilingual Agency de WPML, y una cuenta de DataSource International.

Una vez que crees tus cuentas, necesitas un token de acceso para conectar WPML con DataSource International.

Reseñas de DataSource International

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