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WPML’s Translation Management lets you control who translates each piece of content, to what languages. But sometimes, you need to set up something simpler, like allowing a certain user to edit all content in a specific language. Today, we explain how to do this using Access plugin, which you get as part of the Toolset plugins for 20% discount with your WPML account.

1. Sign-up for a Toolset+Access account

Access plugin is part of the Toolset package. We offer Toolset at 20% discount to all WPML clients so that you can control access to specific languages in multilingual sites.

Log in to your account, you will see a Toolset section at the bottom of the page. Click on the gray button in the first column and complete the registration process.

2. Download and install Access

Log in to your Toolset account, click on Downloads and download Access. It’s a plugin, so you need to upload Access to your site’s «plugins» folder and activate it.

3. Use Access plugin to grant permissions for users in languages

You can find detailed information on the complete workflow on our page about using Access plugin to create editors for specific languages.

Works with and without Translation Management

You can use Access plugin in any site running WPML, with or without Translation Management. If you are using Translation Management, you will be able to send content to translation and set-up a user who will work as ‘editor/proofreader’. If you don’t use Translation Management, you will be able to allow certain users to translate content into different languages.


Both WPML and Toolset teams have worked hard to make this feature complete and easy to use. We’d love to hear your feedback.

If you have comments, suggestions or questions, leave your questions and we’ll get back to you.

How can we make WPML better for you?

Share your thoughts and comments about our plugin, documentation, or videos by booking a Zoom call with Agnes, our Client Advocate. Your feedback matters and helps us improve.

Book a call with Agnes