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Ce sujet contient 0 réponse, a 1 voix.

Dernière mise à jour par nelsonr-5 Il y a 2 mois et 3 semaines.

Assisté par: Long Nguyen.

Auteur Articles
octobre 16, 2024 à 8:57 am #16294119


Background of the issue:
I am trying to translate product details from French to other languages using WPML. The main language of my site is French. When I translate to German, the product details maintain their format, but when translating to Italian and Spanish, the paragraph indentation is lost. You can see the issue on this page: lien caché

When translating product details to Italian and Spanish, the paragraph indentation is lost, unlike in German where the format is maintained.

Why is the paragraph indentation lost when translating to Italian and Spanish?
How can I maintain the format when translating to other languages?