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Fuseau horaire du supporter: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Ce sujet contient 0 réponse, a 1 voix.

Dernière mise à jour par hagenD Il y a 4 mois et 3 semaines.

Assisté par: Noman.

Auteur Articles
Avril 29, 2024 à 12:28 pm #15577080


String translation causes fatal error, crashes site.
Only solution is disabling plugin by renaming plugin-folder, then re-enabling it.

I have created a staging site and will also share the error e-mail with you.

The problem occurs once a week on monday, german time, 0:44. Maybe some update is triggered? I don't know. Newest version is installed. My website is offline once a week for at least 8 hours, this is unacceptable.

Le sujet '[Fermé] Call to a member function get_language_codes() on bool' est fermé aux nouvelles réponses.