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Questo ticket contiene 0 risposte, ha 1 voce.

Ultimo aggiornamento da richardK-49 8 mese, 3 settimana fa.

Assistito da: Paola Mendiburu.

Autore Messaggi
Giugno 19, 2024 a 10:53 am


Background of the issue:
I updated the English (original language) version of the homepage: link nascosto. Then I translated it with CTE. I expected the Hungarian (translated, link nascosto) version to be the same as the English (original, link nascosto).

The English (original language) version has two columns in the hero section (accessibility and ia readiness), but the Hungarian (translated) version has only one.

Why is the Hungarian version not synchronizing correctly with the English version?
How can I ensure that the translated version matches the original version in Brickbuilder?

Giugno 19, 2024 a 11:05 am