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Ultimo aggiornamento da christosK-16 2 mese fa.

Assistito da: Noman.

Autore Messaggi
Dicembre 31, 2024 a 8:02 am #16555048


Background of the issue:
I have a code snippet for a show more-show less feature in the description on a single product page. My native language is Greek, and the translated language is English. I want to translate the button text from the code snippet. The code snippet is: function add_toggle_description_features() { // Enqueue the JavaScript wp_add_inline_script('jquery-core', " jQuery(document).ready(function($) { console.log('Toggle Description script loaded.'); const texts = toggleDescriptionTexts; const description = $('.full-text'); if (!description.length) { console.error('Description element (.full-text) not found.'); return; } description.each(function() { const buttonHTML = '' + texts.show_more + ''; $(this).after(buttonHTML); }); $(document).on('click', '.toggle-description-button', function() { console.log('Button clicked.'); const description = $(this).prev('.full-text'); description.toggleClass('expanded'); $(this).text(description.hasClass('expanded') ? texts.show_less : texts.show_more); }); }); "); // Prepare translation strings for JavaScript wp_localize_script('jquery-core', 'toggleDescriptionTexts', array( 'show_more' => __('Περισσότερα', 'text-domain'), 'show_less' => __('Λιγότερα', 'text-domain'), )); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_toggle_description_features');

No specific issue or error message mentioned.

How can I translate the button text in the code snippet from Greek to English?