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Ce sujet est résolu. Voici une description du problème et de la solution.

The client inquired about WPML's compatibility with the new Performant Translations feature that will be included in the upcoming WordPress 6.5 update, which aims to improve website performance with translations.
We always ensure that WPML is compatible with major WordPress core updates. We have already tested WPML with the Performant Translations feature and found that it indeed improves site performance when using WPML. If you're experiencing issues or have concerns about compatibility, we recommend checking the related known issues, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins.

Please note that the solution provided might be irrelevant if it's outdated or not applicable to your case. If you encounter any problems, we encourage you to open a new support ticket. For further assistance, you can reach out to us on the WPML support forum.

Il s'agit du forum d'assistance technique de WPML, le plug-in multilingue pour WordPress.

Il est accessible à tous, toutefois seuls les clients de WPML peuvent y publier leurs messages. L'équipe du WPML répond sur le forum 6 jours par semaine, 22 heures par jour.

Aucun de nos assistants n'est disponible aujourd'hui sur le forum French. Veuillez créer un ticket, et nous nous le traiterons dès notre prochaine connexion. Merci de votre compréhension.

Marqué : 

Ce sujet contient 3 réponses, a 2 voix.

Dernière mise à jour par Ilyes Il y a 8 mois.

Assisté par: Ilyes.

Auteur Articles
janvier 31, 2024 à 8:02 am #15247681


Hello there, this is simply a question in order to know if WPML is working to be compatible with the new Performant Translations ?

This feature will change the behavior of translation and make more faster websites using translations. That will be included on the next major update of WordPress : the 6.5 version

I'm so exciting to see these performances optimisations on my websites 😊
But is WPML ready for that ? 😁


janvier 31, 2024 à 9:16 pm #15252191


Les langues: Anglais (English ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Pacific/Easter (GMT-05:00)


Thank you for contacting WPML support team,

We always align with any major WordPress core update when it comes to WPML development, so my assumption would be yes.

Just to make sure, I left a message to our developers, I will get back to you with more information,


février 1, 2024 à 8:43 am #15253260


Hello there, thank you for replying
Okay because i install the plugin and that change... nothing lol


février 1, 2024 à 1:18 pm #15255191


Les langues: Anglais (English ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Pacific/Easter (GMT-05:00)


It turns out that our team already tested it,

It actually helped with the site performance with WPML, it is very promising!


Ce ticket est maintenant fermé. Si vous êtes un client de WPML et que vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez ouvrir un nouveau ticket d'assistance