Problem: You are facing issues with images not synchronizing across translations on your website, and featured products disappearing in translations, showing 'Sorry, nothing to see here...' instead of 'Utvalda Produkter'. Solution: We recommend checking the settings on your primary language product page. Ensure that the following options are enabled: - Duplicate uploaded media from original - Duplicate featured image from original
You can locate the settings on the product editor sidebar > Language > Media attachments
After enabling these settings, make minor changes to the product and retranslate it. This should help in copying the featured image over to the translated language product. For a visual guide on how to adjust these settings, you can refer to this screen recording: Screen Recording.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket.
Problem: The client is trying to synchronize categories, products, and images between the French and Dutch versions of their WooCommerce site. The French version displays correctly, but the Dutch version does not, showing discrepancies in categories, product counts, and images. Solution: 1. For categories and taxonomies, go to WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual > Settings > troubleshooting at the bottom of the page and try all the available options. 2. For images, launch the media translation tool under WPML > Settings > Media Translation. Then, go to WPML > Support > troubleshooting and try all the following buttons (select Products then Media for taxonomy synchronization). 3. Refer to the WPML troubleshooting documentation for detailed steps: 4. If the homepage is not translated, preventing language switching, use the translation editor to complete the translation as shown here:
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket for further assistance.
Problem: The client was unable to translate attributes in WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency. Despite setting the taxonomy language to Dutch, the translation pencil icon was unresponsive, and an E_ERROR was encountered in the WPML plugin files. Solution: We recommended checking the documentation on translating and synchronizing global attributes in WooCommerce Multilingual, available here:
The client resolved the issue by switching the "copy taxonomies to translation" on and off. Set all taxonomies to Dutch (because they were somehow registered as English). Then the client sent all products for translation (automatic > publish without review) and selected the already translated content to "Overwrite existing translations". After that, navigate to the Taxonomies translation and select the taxonomies one at a time and press the sync button at the bottom.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, please visit our known issues page at to check for any updates or related problems. We also recommend confirming that you have the latest versions of themes and plugins installed. If problems persist, do not hesitate to open a new support ticket for further assistance.
Problème: Le client ne parvient pas à trouver certaines chaînes de traduction pour des plugins externes dans WPML, notamment pour des libellés de boutons et des formulaires. Certaines chaînes sont en attente de traduction ou introuvables malgré le scan des plugins. Solution: Nous recommandons de vérifier les chaînes en attente sous WPML > Translations. Si elles ne sont pas trouvées, les supprimer de la liste et les rescanner via l'onglet de localisation du thème et du plugin. Pour les chaînes qui ne s'affichent pas, activer l'option 'Rechercher les chaînes pendant le rendu des pages' sous WPML > Traduction des chaînes, puis visiter la page concernée. Revenir ensuite à la traduction des chaînes pour voir si une nouvelle instance de la chaîne est chargée. Plus d'informations sur ce processus peuvent être trouvées ici : Pour les chaînes déjà traduites mais nécessitant des modifications, elles se trouvent dans les fichiers .po et .mo du plugin concerné et peuvent être modifiées directement dans ces fichiers. Assurez-vous de faire une sauvegarde avant toute modification.
Si cette solution ne résout pas votre problème ou semble obsolète, nous vous invitons à ouvrir un nouveau ticket de support. Nous vous recommandons également de consulter les problèmes connus sur, de vérifier la version des corrections permanentes et de confirmer que vous avez installé les dernières versions des thèmes et plugins. Pour toute assistance supplémentaire, veuillez visiter notre forum de support :