



状态 主题
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Links to translations of posts not showing

发起人: kimS-27 中: Chat Support

0 2 9 hours, 44 minutes前


Translation stuck at 99%

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

1 4 3 days, 9 hours前


site key not working

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

2 4 2 months前


Translation stuck at 99%

发起人: kimS-27 中: Chat Support

1 2 4 months, 3 weeks前

Translation not saving

发起人: kimS-27 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 2 weeks前

Translation not saving

发起人: kimS-27 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months, 2 weeks前

Not able to save posts with emojis

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

3 4 6 months前

Waqas Bin Hasan

Help with translating logo image

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

2 15 6 months, 2 weeks前

Carlos Rojas

WPML Export & Import

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

2 3 10 months, 2 weeks前

Mihai Apetrei

Language switcher in post not showing

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

2 8 1 years, 3 months前

Waqas Bin Hasan

language switch flag dissappeared

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

3 5 1 years, 3 months前

Mihai Apetrei

Advanced Translation Editor – Image meta translation

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

2 3 2 years, 2 months前


My advanced translator editor is not showing all the fields

发起人: kimS-27 中: Chat Support

1 2 2 years, 2 months前

CheerUp theme problems in translated languages

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

2 9 3 years, 5 months前

Marcos Vinicios Barreto

Advanced Translation Editor – images 1 2

发起人: kimS-27 中: English Support

2 26 3 years, 6 months前

Andreas W.

所有文章的作者 kimS-27: