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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 4.6.13

Topic Tags: ATE, Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using Betheme to create posts or pages with internal links, the translated versions of these pages fail to update the internal links to point to the translated URLs. Instead, they retain links to the default language version.


Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Open …/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php file.
  • Look for line 2645.
  • Replace:
    public function show_items($item, $i, $vb, $w_iterate = false){
      		/*echo '<pre>';
      		echo '</pre>';*/
      		$inner_class = array();
      		$item_class = array();
  • With:
    public function show_items($item, $i, $vb, $w_iterate = false){
    	/*echo '<pre>';
    	echo '</pre>';*/
    	// WPML Workaround for compsupp-7547
    	$item['attr']['content'] = apply_filters( 'wpml_translate_link_targets', $item['attr']['content'] );
    	$inner_class = array();
    	$item_class = array();

6 Antworten zu “Betheme - Internal Links in Translations Point to Default Language”

        • Hello Martin,
          There is no news so far. It is already in our devs roadmap but these kind of implementations take time as it brings an important change in our code.
          For the moment, you can use the workaround here provided.
          We will keep this page updated.

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