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Assistiert von: Bruno Kos.

Verfasser Beiträge
Juli 11, 2024 unter 6:09 am #15932431


Background of the issue:
I am trying to query or utilize the comment template across all translated pages. For example, we have the main page site.test/article which currently has its own comments. We want a translated page, e.g., site.test/zh-hans/article, to also load the same comments from the main translation page site.test/article as well as the commenting template working so the main translation and the translated pages will have the same comments. We have tried the Synchronize comment status & Synchronize comments on duplicate content settings but it seems it does not have any effect. Also tried to filter out comments & post id using WP hooks like wp_list_comments_args but still returning empty comments.

The Synchronize comment status & Synchronize comments on duplicate content settings do not have any effect. Filtering out comments & post id using WP hooks like wp_list_comments_args still returns empty comments.

Does WPML have an option for querying or utilizing the comment template across all translated pages?
Are there any hooks available to enable the same comments on translated pages?
Is there any documentation that can help with this issue?

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