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Zuletzt aktualisiert von yordanC Vor 6 Monaten, 1 Woche.

Assistiert von: Noman.

Verfasser Beiträge
August 26, 2024 unter 11:00 am #16103915


Background of the issue:
I am experiencing an issue with the footer menu on my WordPress site when it is translated to another language. In the primary language (English), the menu is properly organized. However, when I switch to another language, such as German or Bulgarian, the menus become cluttered and improperly arranged. The site I need help with is versteckter Link.

The footer menu becomes cluttered and improperly arranged when switching from English to another language like German or Bulgarian.

Could you please advise on what the problem might be and how to resolve it?

Das Thema '[Geschlossen] Issue with Footer Menu on WordPress When Translated to Another Language' ist für neue Antworten geschlossen.