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Dieses Thema enthält 0 Antworten, hat 1 Stimme.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von michielH-2 Vor 3 Tage, 1 Stunde.

Assistiert von: Long Nguyen.

Verfasser Beiträge
September 18, 2024 unter 7:43 am


Background of the issue:
Dear support,

We're having issues installing the wpml string translation plugin in our new staging environment. We tried both via the OTGS installer plugin as well as via a manual download but without any luck.

We keep getting the "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of .. bytes exhausted" error even though our hosting company upped all memory to the max.

Can you help us out?


How do we proceed from here

September 18, 2024 unter 8:32 am
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