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Unterstützt die Zeitzone: America/Sao_Paulo (GMT-03:00)

Dieses Thema enthält 0 Antworten, hat 1 Stimme.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von Paolo Sax Vor 2 Monaten, 2 Wochen.

Assistiert von: Lucas Vidal de Andrade.

Verfasser Beiträge
Dezember 27, 2024 unter 2:05 pm #16548598

Paolo Sax

Background of the issue:
I am working on a fresh WordPress local installation with no other plugins activated except WPML. The default TwentyTwentyFive theme is installed and active. After completing the initial WPML configuration procedure, I encountered several warning messages.

Warning messages related to 'Undefined array key "data"' and 'Trying to access array offset on null' in various files within the WPML plugin directory. Additionally, there are warnings about 'Cannot modify header information - headers already sent'.

How can I resolve the warning messages related to 'Undefined array key "data"'?
What steps should I take to fix the 'Cannot modify header information' warnings?

Das Thema '[Geschlossen] Warning messages „Undefined array key „data“ referred to „[…]\sitepress-multilingual-cms\ven…' ist für neue Antworten geschlossen.