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Última actualización por olgaS-13 hace 1 día, 6 horas.

Asistido por: Long Nguyen.

Autor Entradas
septiembre 27, 2024 en 8:41 am


Background of the issue:
We use the DiviFlash Image Carousel widget (module) in DIVI builder.
We want to translate the Links of the elements (Image Carousel Items) Link > Link URL property on our site enlace oculto. The property is not listed in the advanced translation of the page or layout and searching for "https" as can be used for other URL attributes does not show it either.

The Link URL property of the Image Carousel Items is not appearing in the advanced translation editor.

How can we translate the Link URL property of the Image Carousel Items?
Why is the Link URL property not appearing in the advanced translation editor?

septiembre 27, 2024 en 9:22 am
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