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Today, we released ACFML 1.6.1. This version primarily addresses a fix for copying custom field values in the same post.

Fix for custom fields being replaced by a different string

After releasing version 1.6.0 we discovered that if you copy the custom field value to another field in the same post that you have translated, the copied value is replaced by malformed, JSON-like string. 

This happens after copying the value to another field and saving the default language post. If you navigate to the secondary editing page, you will not see the text of the custom field that you copied. Instead, you would see a string that looks similar to this:


Download and Update

You will receive this update automatically to all your registered sites. You can also download and install it manually from your WPML account.

Check our detailed guide that explains the process of building multilingual websites using Advanced Custom Fields and WPML.


If you need have any questions, leave your comments here, and we’ll get back to you.