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Reported for: WP All Import Multilingual 2.3.0

Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

Whenever you import content using WP All Import and the WPML All Import add-on, you will see the imported post translations perfectly on the front-end. However, you will encounter issues if you try to update them using WPML’s translation editors:

This is because when you import multilingual content, WPML does not create translation jobs, which are needed for string segmentation.


To edit or update your imported translations, please switch to the native WordPress editor and use manual translation.

12 Réponses à “WPML All Import - Imported post translations don't appear in the Translation Editor”

    • Hello there,
      I’m afraid that it happens with both editors as explained in the overview of the issue. As a workaround, please switch to the native WordPress editor and use manual translation in order to edit or update your imported translations,

  1. Is it OK that we import the current contents to our new website under construction before you fix the issue? That means this issue is due to the WPML main plugin set, not due to the import plugin. Otherwise, should I wait the import process until you fix the issue?

    • Hello there,
      This fix may take some time. I recommend you to import your contents and then follow the workaround here provided.
      If you have any issue, please start a chat in our support channel. We will be happy to help you there.

  2. Hi, do you have any schedule to fix this issue? I think it is crucial problem for many WPML users. I updated the WPML Multilingual CMS and WPML String Translation for the latest versions, but the symptom (see I wrote before for the details) is the same.

    • Hello there,
      I understand the importance of this issue, however fixing this it is not simple and will take some time.
      I’ll update this erratum once I have any news.
      Thank you for your understanding.

      • Hi, our development team is considering adding (writing) « patch » codes to the current import plugin (or CSV files to be imported). Could you tell me which fields of which table in the database are managing this translation alignment?
        If you tell me your schedule to fix this issue, we can wait until then, but, I suppose you have no schedule to fix this. So, we cannot wait any more.

  3. Is this an issue with importing in general with WPML/WPML Import and Export plugin, or an issue with the WP Import Export plugin specifically? I’m wondering if a different import plugin, rather than WP Import Export, would work?

      • Hi Andrés,
        I have been using WPML Export and Import (along with WP Import Export Lite), and still experienced this. Your support team directed me to this page.

        • Thank you for your feedback, Ellen. Indeed, this can happen when importing posts and their translations, as we don’t have any translation job for them.
          That’s why we don’t have pre-filled fields in the translation editor and manual translation is needed.

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