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Fuseau horaire du supporter: Asia/Yerevan (GMT+04:00)

Ce sujet contient 0 réponse, a 1 voix.

Dernière mise à jour par sebastianK-50 Il y a 1 année et 10 mois.

Assisté par: Christopher Amirian.

Auteur Articles
mai 3, 2023 à 1:33 pm #13579155


The AJAX shopping cart seems to have a conflict with WPML. When adding an item to the shopping cart, the product won't be shown in the shopping cart on the side. Only when you reload the page then the items are in the shopping cart. I already tried deactivting all plugins and once WPML is not active the shopping cart works properly again.

Le sujet '[Fermé] Ajax cart with WPML' est fermé aux nouvelles réponses.