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Questo ticket contiene 0 risposte, ha 1 voce.

Ultimo aggiornamento da maria-adelaideF 5 mese fa.

Assistito da: Dražen.

Autore Messaggi
Ottobre 11, 2024 a 10:35 am #16278732


Background of the issue:
I am experiencing a compatibility issue between Divi and WPML on my site link nascosto. I created a page in English at link nascosto and later added an Italian translation at link nascosto. I made changes directly in the visual builder on the Italian page instead of using the WPML translator.

When I translate texts in the WPML translator, the text updates correctly, but the visual part is altered or doesn't show. I keep seeing what I edited in the visual builder. Additionally, emojis are not preserved in the WPML translator.

How can I ensure that visual changes made in the Divi builder are preserved when using WPML?
Why are emojis not preserved in the WPML translator?