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Questo ticket contiene 0 risposte, ha 1 voce.

Ultimo aggiornamento da lucap-5 8 mese, 3 settimana fa.

Assistito da: Ilyes.

Autore Messaggi
Giugno 25, 2024 a 11:49 am #15820124


Background of the issue:
We have noticed that our posts have the exact same "href lang x-default" value no matter their language. For instance, this Spanish post (Spanish is the default language), link nascosto and the English translation, link nascosto share these same values:

There is absolutely no difference, the code and the order is identical. Semrush and GSC are indicating multiple href lang errors on our site, but then when I examine each page, the href code looks fine to me. I am following the documentation at

Semrush and GSC are indicating multiple href lang errors on our site

Is it correct that our posts have the exact same "href lang x-default" value no matter their language?
Should the href lang values be different to indicate the language of the post?
Is everything fine with our current href lang setup?