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Kadence Blocks è compatibile con WPML. Questo plug-in è stato testato a fondo e può essere utilizzato per creare siti multilingue senza riscontrare problemi.

Kadence Blocks

– Sviluppato da Kadence Themes

Versione 2.1.2 (problemi noti)

Data dell’ultimo test: Agosto 6, 2021

Kadence Blocks offers a page builder-like experience with a large library of prebuilt page sections. The Row/Layout block and other layout-related blocks give you the ability to create custom layouts and adjust them simply by clicking and dragging.

Kadence Blocks allows you to set block defaults like custom color palettes and fonts. This makes it easy and fast to keep consistent design elements across your site. The Form block is easy to add and doesn’t require any extra plugins to work.

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