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YOOtheme non è attualmente compatibile con WPML. È possibile riscontrare dei problemi durante l’utilizzo.

Questo tema deve essere tradotto manualmente.


– Sviluppato da YOOtheme


Data dell’ultimo test:

YOOtheme is a pagebuilder/theme for WordPress.

Please note: YOOtheme is currently NOT fully compatible with WPML. We have tried to push forward compatibility with their team, but we are yet to receive any updates. You can contribute to this thread in their support. In addition, please note the following comment that they state in this documentation:

At the moment, the content fields are not extracted and cannot be translated separately from the page builder settings. This means if you change the settings in the page builder, you have to change them for every translation. That’s why it’s recommended to translate pages in the final step. We hope to have a better solution in the future.

Problemi noti

Al momento non vi sono problemi di compatibilità non risolti tra questo tema e WPML. Cercate tutti i problemi noti.