Problem: The client is unable to see the 'Slug Translations' section and the checkbox for setting different post-type-slugs for different languages in the WPML Settings, despite having programmatically registered a custom post type. Solution: If you're experiencing this issue, it's important to ensure that the String Translation plugin is installed, as it is required for the 'Slug Translation' feature to function. Additionally, verify that your custom post type registration includes the correct settings for 'rewrite' options, specifically ensuring that the 'slug' is set correctly within the 'rewrite' array, like this:
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your specific case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. Additionally, feel free to open a new support ticket for further assistance at WPML Support Forum.
Problem: The client is developing a site and wants to set up automatic translation for WooCommerce elements such as orders, refunds, posts, and subscriptions. They also want to ensure that all frontend elements, including multilingual emails, are translated correctly. Solution: We recommended checking our WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency guide for general setup and specifically our guide on how to translate WooCommerce emails for email translations. For subscription products, we provided a guide to ensure correct translation setup: Translating WooCommerce Subscriptions. We clarified that actual subscriptions should not be translated as the client will only have one subscription regardless of the language.
Please note that this solution might be outdated or not applicable to your specific case. We highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If this does not resolve your issue, please open a new support ticket.
Problema: Si estás experimentando errores 404 en los posts personalizados después de haber traducido los slugs utilizando WPML, es posible que el problema no esté en los plugins de WPML, sino en alguna funcionalidad de terceros o en la configuración de tu sitio. Solución: Te recomendamos seguir estos pasos para identificar y resolver el problema: 1. Crea una copia de seguridad del sitio completo o crea un sitio staging con una copia del sitio actual. 2. Actualiza cualquier plugin o tema que pueda estar desactualizado. 3. Borra cualquier memoria cache que pueda existir. 4. Desactiva todos los plugins, incluyendo los de WPML. 5. Activa un tema por defecto de WordPress, por ejemplo: Twenty Twenty. 6. Activa los plugins de WPML. 7. Pega el código para crear el CPT y la taxonomía en el archivo functions.php del tema por defecto de WordPress. 8. Asegúrate que el slug está traducido correctamente. 9. Si el problema desapareció, comienza activando el tema y luego el resto de los plugins, uno por uno, hasta que el problema vuelva a aparecer y encuentres al culpable. Si estos pasos no resuelven el problema o si la solución parece irrelevante debido a que está desactualizada o no se aplica a tu caso, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También te sugerimos revisar los problemas conocidos y confirmar que tienes instaladas las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins.