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Incorrect flag icon
Bắt đầu bởi: arazS tRONG: English Support |
2 | 2 |
4 years, 2 months trước
arazS |
translate MailPoet to enable customers sentence
Bắt đầu bởi: arazS
tRONG: English Support
Problem: I'm having trouble translating the mailpoet plugin Solution: Mailpoet is not officially compatible but you can try the following From $labelString = $this->settings->get(self::OPTIN_MESSAGE_SETTING_NAME); To [php]$labelString = __($this->settings->get(self::OPTIN_MESSAGE_SETTING_NAME), 'wpml-fix'); >String Translation enables "Look for strings while pages are rendered" 6) Visit the page in the front end 7) Then the string should appear in WPML>>String Translation under the text domain 'wpml-fix' 8) Translate it there and it should show up in the front end Relevant Documentation: |
2 | 8 |
4 years, 2 months trước
arazS |
"different languages in directories" is selected but /?lang=xx still accesible
Bắt đầu bởi: arazS tRONG: English Support |
2 | 2 | 4 years, 3 months trước | ||
Some invoice strings are not translating
Bắt đầu bởi: arazS tRONG: English Support |
2 | 4 | 4 years, 4 months trước | ||
"Order fully refunded." not translating
Bắt đầu bởi: arazS tRONG: English Support |
2 | 5 |
4 years, 4 months trước
arazS |
Can't select menu for language switcher
Bắt đầu bởi: arazS tRONG: English Support |
3 | 10 | 4 years, 5 months trước | ||
Savoy theme : Language switcher for mobile in topbar
Bắt đầu bởi: arazS tRONG: English Support |
2 | 2 |
4 years, 5 months trước
arazS |