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Ce sujet contient 2 réponses, a 0 voix.

Dernière mise à jour par Bruno Kos Il y a 2 semaines et 4 jours.

Assisté par: Bruno Kos.

Auteur Articles
février 12, 2025 à 10:29 am #16695587


Contexte de la question:
I'm using WPGraphQL with WPML and ACF. I set three languages: English (default), French, and Spanish. I created a Relationship field with ACF to select posts, then created a Sample Page, populated the field with a Post, and translated it into the two languages. When querying this field with GraphQL IDE, only the page in the default language (English) returns the data. Other languages return an empty array. Here's the GraphQL query:

query Query { pages(where: {language: "all"}) { nodes { title languageCode postSelector { selection { nodes { slug uri } } } } } }

I have this issue on a new WordPress install with all WPML/ACF/GraphQL plugins up to date.

When querying the Relationship field with GraphQL, only the default language (English) returns data. French and Spanish return an empty array.

Why does the Relationship field return an empty array for non-default languages?
How can I get the same results for all languages using WPGraphQL with WPML and ACF?

février 12, 2025 à 1:46 pm #16696934

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)


Can you try two things to help us troubleshoot the issue?

1. Add a simple ACF text field (e.g., `testField`) to the same pages and enter some test values in English, French, and Spanish. Then, check if the GraphQL query returns this new field for all languages.

2. Check the translation preferences for the ACF Relationship field (`postSelector`) in WPML → Settings → Custom Fields Translation.
- Is it currently set to Copy or Copy Once?
- Just for a test, try setting it to Translate instead, then update the translated pages manually and see if GraphQL starts returning the data (

Let me know what happens with both tests!

février 13, 2025 à 7:19 am #16700149


Hi Bruno, thank you for your response.

1. I added a simple ACF text field and it's correctly returned in all languages by my GraphQL query.

2. The fields were already set to 'Translate'. I even tried to put them on 'Copy' and then put them back on 'Translate', while saving between each change but it didn't solve the issue.
Also, when fields were set to 'Copy', only the text fields were copied, the Relationship fields called 'selection' remained empty.

février 13, 2025 à 10:16 am #16701057

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)

Can you please try the following:

1. Check the solution provided in this WPML forum thread: It sounds similar so the workaround may work.

2. If the issue persists, would you be willing to provide WordPress credentials for further investigation? You can find details on privacy and security when sharing credentials here:

Your next reply has been marked as private so you can safely add credentials.

février 13, 2025 à 12:36 pm #16702055

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)

I apologize for this.

Here is that workaround:

1. Go to `\WPML_Term_Clauses::get_where_lang` in `wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/query-filtering/class-wpml-term-clauses.php`.
2. Replace the existing function with the following:

private function get_where_lang() {
    $lang = $this->sitepress->get_current_language();
    if ( 'all' === $lang || function_exists('is_graphql_request') && is_graphql_request() ) {
        return '';
    } else {
        $display_as_translated_snippet = $this->get_display_as_translated_snippet( $lang, $this->sitepress->get_default_language() );
        return $this->wpdb->prepare( " AND ( icl_t.language_code = %s OR {$display_as_translated_snippet} ) ", $lang );

This modification ensures that when a GraphQL request is detected, the language filter does not interfere.

Can you give it a try?

février 13, 2025 à 1:55 pm #16702892


No problem.

I applied the workaround but it didn't fixed the issue, the 'selection' nodes array is still empty for French and Spanish languages.

février 14, 2025 à 8:20 am #16705167

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)

I am checking this with our 2nd tier and will keep you posted.

février 17, 2025 à 6:11 am #16711673

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)

We think this to be a missing feature.

To troubleshoot this problem, I'll install the Duplicator plugin and generate packages for further debugging purposes. I'll ensure to exclude all media files to maintain a minimal package size.

You can find more information about the process here:

Please confirm if this approach is acceptable to you!

février 17, 2025 à 7:15 am #16711752


Ok sounds good to me, you can go ahead !

février 17, 2025 à 12:02 pm #16713967

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)

This has been escalated to our 2nd tier team team and may take some debugging time, I'll get back to you as soon as I have any news or questions for you.

février 19, 2025 à 6:16 am #16721822

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)

Can you please try the following:

1. Ensure the **relationship field** is set to **copy** as the value in **postmeta** should be **1:1 identical**.
2. Add the following code to your **functions.php** file:

   add_filter('wpgraphql/acf/field_value', function($prepared_value, $acf_field, $node_id, $current_post) {
       if (!empty($prepared_value) && is_array($prepared_value) && isset($prepared_value[0])) {
           $type = get_post_type($current_post);
           $args = array('element_id' => $current_post, 'element_type' => $type );
           $my_language_code = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_language_details', null, $args );
           $prepared_value[0] = apply_filters('wpml_object_id', $prepared_value[0], 'post', true , $my_language_code->language_code);
           do_action( 'wpml_switch_language', $my_language_code->language_code );
       return $prepared_value;
   }, 10, 5);

This should ensure the relationship field is correctly processed.

We also created an internal ticket where this will be fixed permanently.