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This release fixes a security hole that we found in WPML and is recommended for anyone running older versions.

This post explains what’s changed between the last free version on and the current free upgrade. If you’re already using the commercial versions, just skip this.

As we were fixing bugs going from WPML 2.0.4 to the commercial versions on, we found several security issues. Even though newer WPML code goes only on, we wanted to issue this release, so that older sites are not left open to potential hacks.

This release addresses these issues and is recommended for anyone who’s still running the older WPML versions. Please note that it doesn’t include bug fixes or changes towards compatibility with WordPress 3.1. The new versions from include these changes.

After you upgrade to WPML, you’ll see a prompt that a new version is available. If you’re using WordPress 3.0.5 and you’re happy with the older, free, version of WPML, you’re welcome to stay with it. It’s worked for years and will continue to serve you well.

What’s new in the Commercial Versions

For WordPress 3.1 compatibility, a host of improvements and new features, you’re advised to check out the new commercial WPML versions.

Here is a brief summary of what’s changed and what you get when you upgrade to the commercial versions.

Fully Compatible With WordPress 3.1

This may sound trivial, but it wasn’t. WordPress 3.1 includes new cool features and WPML connects to them to turn them multilingual.

WPML 3.1.2 includes bug fixes, like category URLs going wrong, and supports everything new in WordPress 3.1.

WordPress 3.1 adds features like an internal links dialog, custom post archives and post formats. WPML 2.1.2 turns them all multilingual. You can read more about it in my previous blog post.

Support for WordPress Galleries

Finally, WPML lets you use the WordPress Gallery tags. When you navigate from one image to the other, you stay in the same language. This addresses other problems with incorrect languages for attachments.

Way Better Translation Management

We’re giving a big boost to WPML’s Translation Management features. WPML 2.1.2 already includes the ability to copy the original onto the translations. The upcoming version will also include a DIFF display which shows translators what’s changed in the original, so that they can update translations faster.

Then, for WPML 2.3.0, you’re in for the really big changes. I’ll keep some surprises in the bag without bragging about them now.

Improved Support for Themes and Other Plugins

We’ve been paying special attention to improving compatibility with WordPress themes and plugins. As a result, WPML 2.1.2 runs smooth with popular themes – both free and commercial.

It also runs smooth with major plugins such as WP Super Cache, W3TC, WordPress SEO and other great plugins.

How to Upgrade

WPML now comes in two versions:

  • Multilingual Blog – $29
  • Multilingual CMS – $79

If you’re running a personal blog with WPML, most chances are that the Blog version will be fine for you. This includes WPML core without the String Translation and Translation Management modules. Meaning, you need to translate the theme using its .mo file.

If you’re running a commercial site and using WordPress as your CMS, the CMS version is for you. If includes all of WPML’s components. You can download the parts that you need and fine-tune your site for functionality and performance.

Both versions are available from

Click Here to Purchase

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