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Zuletzt aktualisiert von manuelD-27 Vor 7 Monaten, 1 Woche.

Assistiert von: Bruno Kos.

Verfasser Beiträge
August 1, 2024 unter 11:31 am #16029180


Background of the issue:
I created content in Elementor in the original language (NL). The original content directs to a post and to 2 WooCommerce products. Both the post and products have been translated and URLs are working. I translate everything with WPML translation editor.

When visiting the created content in the other language (FR), the translation is showing correctly. The link to the post is directing to the other language (FR), but the links to the products are directing to the original language (NL) instead of the FR version.

Why are the product links not translating to the FR version when using WPML translation editor?
How can I ensure that product links direct to the correct language version in WPML?