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Zuletzt aktualisiert von Philip Vor 3 Monaten, 4 Wochen.

Assistiert von: Christopher Amirian.

Verfasser Beiträge
September 12, 2024 unter 1:09 pm #16171089


Background of the issue:
When we regularly checking the website logs, we see errors in the logs related to the WPML plugin. In order to improve the stability of the website, we would like to find a solution and fix this. Unfortunately, I don't have clear steps to reproduce the problem, but I do have a description of the errors from the site logs.
Can you help?

Here they are:

1) PHP Fatal error [05-Jun-2024 06:54:35 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /home/itvogel1/www/ Stack trace: #0 /home/itvogel1/www/ array_keys(NULL, 'Das Alpenschnee...', true) #1 /home/itvogel1/www/ WPML_ACF_Repeater_Shuffle->keys_after_move('Das Alpenschnee...') #2 /home/itvogel1/www/ WPML_ACF_Repeater_Shuffle->get_keys_for_meta_value_changed('glob_content_0_...', 'Das Alpenschnee...') #3 /home/itvogel1/www/ WPML_ACF_Repeater_Shuffle->revertFieldValuesForSignature(Array, 62875) #4 /home/itvogel1/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) #5 /home/itvogel1/www/ apply_filters('wpml_custom_fie...', Array, 62875) #6 /home/itvogel1/www/ WPML_TM_Action_Helper->get_post_custom_fields(Object(WP_Post)) #7 /home/itvogel1/www/ WPML_TM_Action_Helper->post_md5(Object(WP_Post)) #8 [internal function]: WPML_TM_Post_Actions->{closure}() #9 /home/itvogel1/www/ call_user_func(Object(Closure)) #10 /home/itvogel1/www/ WPMLPBAutoUpdateHooks->afterRegisterAllStringsInShutdown('') #11 /home/itvogel1/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #12 /home/itvogel1/www/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #13 /home/itvogel1/www/ do_action('shutdown') #14 [internal function]: shutdown_action_hook() #15 {main} thrown in /home/itvogel1/www/ on line 175

2) Deadlock [08-Jun-2024 17:00:36 UTC] WordPress database error Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction for query INSERT IGNORE INTO wp_options ( `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload` ) VALUES ('wpml.WPMLTMSettingsProcessNewTranslatableFields.lock', '1717866036', 'no') /* LOCK */ made by require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('wp_loaded'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WPMLLIBWPHooks::WPMLLIBWP{closure}, WPMLFPPromise->resolve, WPMLFPRight->chain, WPMLFPRight->map, WPMLBackgroundTaskBackgroundTaskLoader->WPMLBackgroundTask{closure}, WPMLBackgroundTaskBackgroundTaskLoader->getSerializedTasks, WPMLFPFns::__callStatic, call_user_func_array, WPMLFPFns::WPMLFP{closure}, call_user_func_array, WPMLFPFns::WPMLFP{closure}, array_map, WPMLBackgroundTaskBackgroundTaskLoader->WPMLBackgroundTask{closure}, WPMLBackgroundTaskBackgroundTaskViewModel::get, WPMLUtilitiesLock->create, WPMLUtilitiesLock->create


Can you help us resolve the PHP Fatal error related to the WPML plugin?
How can we fix the WordPress database deadlock error?
Please find the debug log here: versteckter Link