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Zuletzt aktualisiert von xenofonV-2 Vor 4 Monaten.

Assistiert von: Bruno Kos.

Verfasser Beiträge
Oktober 31, 2024 unter 7:46 am #16349891


Background of the issue:
I translated products using a plugin and the translations were saved fine. They appear in the regular editor and in WordPress. I'm wondering if there is any option to sync those translations into the translation service, so I can manage the translations using your editor and also the WordPress plugin with the other interface. The plugin authors are asking if there is any php function/api/REST API that can be used to trigger a sync, or if that kind of sync is even possible.

No specific issue or error message mentioned.

Is there any option to sync translations into the translation service?
Is there a PHP function/API/REST API that can be used to trigger a sync?