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Questo ticket contiene 0 risposte, ha 0 voci.

Ultimo aggiornamento da davidH-172 2 settimana, 4 giorno fa.

Assistito da: Shekhar Bhandari.

Autore Messaggi
Febbraio 11, 2025 a 9:29 am #16690548


Background of the issue:
Our store has 6 countries, and we have around 11k translated products in total across all languages. At some point, we started to see an 'Update {country} Translation' button on all the translations. Previously, we had a cog icon with EDIT TRANSLATION, now we have a refresh icon with UPDATE {language} translation.

We have not made any edits to the products which are reporting this.

No change has been made to the original products, yet I'd estimate 90% of our products have this icon to refresh the translation. The products are fine on the front end, and the translations we put in place are still there.

An 'Update {country} Translation' button appears on all translations instead of the previous cog icon with EDIT TRANSLATION. 90% of products have this icon, and there are 8,900 instances of 'Needs Update' in WPML > translation management > Jobs.

Could you possibly advise if this is an issue we need to resolve?
What would be the best way to resolve this issue, as it feels like WPML things products are out of sync?