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Ce sujet est résolu. Voici une description du problème et de la solution.

Problème :
Vous essayez d'afficher à nouveau des pages générées par Complianz en français (du Canada), mais elles ne s'affichent correctement que lorsque l'option 'Auto register strings for translation' est activée. Cela fonctionnait il y a quelques jours.
Solution :
Nous avons identifié un problème similaire lié à la traduction qui pourrait être temporairement résolu en rétrogradant votre version de WordPress. Vous pouvez utiliser le plugin WP Downgrade pour revenir à une version antérieure qui ne présente pas ce problème. Cela pourrait être une solution temporaire en attendant une correction permanente de la part des développeurs de WordPress et des plugins concernés.

Si cette solution ne vous semble pas pertinente ou si elle est obsolète, nous vous recommandons vivement de consulter les problèmes connus sur, de vérifier la version de la correction permanente, et de confirmer que vous avez installé les dernières versions des thèmes et plugins. Si le problème persiste, n'hésitez pas à ouvrir un nouveau ticket de support sur notre forum de support.

Il s'agit du forum d'assistance technique de WPML, le plug-in multilingue pour WordPress.

Il est accessible à tous, toutefois seuls les clients de WPML peuvent y publier leurs messages. L'équipe du WPML répond sur le forum 6 jours par semaine, 22 heures par jour.

Marqué : 

Ce sujet contient 4 réponses, a 0 voix.

Dernière mise à jour par steveV-5 Il y a 3 mois et 1 semaine.

Assisté par: Bruno Kos.

Auteur Articles
Novembre 18, 2024 à 10:52 pm #16416887


Contexte de la question:
I am trying to display again (because it was working a few days ago) pages generated by Complianz into French (from Canada). The issue can be seen on this page: lien caché.

I expected to see the pages translated into French from Canada.

More details can be found on the website: lien caché.

The pages is only well displayed translated into French when the 'Auto register strings for translation' option is activated, which is very strange! I tried to reimport the .PO "fr_CA" file and it didn't do anything.

In the WPML backend, I can see that the French translations are now missing, but even if I translate them again (I open them, let the automatic translation load) they don't display in French in the frontend.

Again, it's only when the 'Auto register strings for translation' option is activated that the French CA version is displayed...

Why are the pages not displaying in French CA as expected?
What is causing the pages to only translate when 'Auto register strings for translation' is activated?

Novembre 19, 2024 à 7:10 am #16417825

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)


Can you please try the following:

1. Go to **WPML -> Theme and plugins localization**, and if the option **Automatically load the theme's .mo file using 'load_textdomain'** is enabled, disable it.

2. Navigate to **WPML -> Support -> Troubleshooting**, then click **Show custom MO Files Pre-generation** dialog box and run the process.

Does it help?

Novembre 19, 2024 à 4:11 pm #16420729


Hello Bruno,

1. Go to **WPML -> Theme and plugins localization**, and if the option **Automatically load the theme's .mo file using 'load_textdomain'** is enabled, disable it.

- This was not enable.

2. Navigate to **WPML -> Support -> Troubleshooting**, then click **Show custom MO Files Pre-generation** dialog box and run the process.

- Did it, it doesn't fix anything.

Do you think my issue may be related to this?

lien caché

I received this official WPML newsletter 2 hours after your reply here.

Thanks for your support.

Novembre 19, 2024 à 9:56 pm #16421774


Hello Bruno,

I think it's the case as you can read other people have this issue here:

I think we should close this ticket and wait for a patch.

You thought?


Novembre 20, 2024 à 9:03 am #16423197

Bruno Kos

Les langues: Anglais (English ) Allemand (Deutsch ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+01:00)

I agree, as I see no other way around this.

I just encountered an issue similar to yours related to, specifically with Events Calendar Pro. In this case, downgrading WordPress resolved the problem.

For this plugin, I found recent tickets where the plugin developers mentioned they’re aware of the issue and working on a fix.

You can try downgrading WordPress using plugin such as This could temporarily resolve the issue until a permanent fix is released.

Developers are generally already aware of this, as it does not just affect WPML but also other multilingual tools like Loco Translate and others. I believe that WordPress will be quick in resolving this as there are probably tends of thousands plugins affected with this.

Novembre 20, 2024 à 3:56 pm #16425586


Thanks Bruno, I will wait for a patch.

Have a good day.