Background of the issue:
I am encountering an issue with automatic translation on a site under development. I selected a page in the Translation Management section and clicked 'Translate automatically.' I have 1106 prepaid credits remaining, and the Word Count Estimate for the page is only 35 words in 1 document(s). I found a similar issue described here: Following the advice in the thread, I added the line define( 'ACFML_EXCLUDE_FIELD_GROUP_STRINGS_IN_POST_JOBS', true ); to my configuration and attempted to translate the page again.
I received an error message stating: 'You don’t have enough credits to use automatic translation.' The error persists even after configuration changes. Additionally, WPML translated only 11 out of 18 pages but deducted 19,000 credits in total.
Could you please assist me in resolving these issues?
Das Thema '[Geschlossen] Issue with Automatic Translation and Credit Usage' ist für neue Antworten geschlossen.