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Unterstützt die Zeitzone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Dieses Thema enthält 0 Antworten, hat 1 Stimme.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von alejandroG-25 Vor 5 Monaten.

Assistiert von: Waqas Bin Hasan.

Verfasser Beiträge
September 30, 2024 unter 1:09 pm #16236302


Background of the issue:
Hello, we are trying to translate a page from Spanish to Catalan, in the backend everything seems correct and the translations are done, but when clicking on "save and close", when we visit the page the text still appears in Spanish, but in the URL we can see that it is the Catalan version.

Also, I got the following error message when clicking on "save and close" -> Synchronization with the Professional Translation service has failed

How can we solve this? Thanks



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