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Unterstützt die Zeitzone: Pacific/Easter (GMT-05:00)

Dieses Thema enthält 0 Antworten, hat 1 Stimme.

Zuletzt aktualisiert von billL-7 Vor 8 Monaten, 3 Wochen.

Assistiert von: Ilyes.

Verfasser Beiträge
Juni 20, 2024 unter 10:03 pm #15767645


Background of the issue:
We have a site with many languages, but not all content is duplicated into each language. The default Media Translation settings are causing all media to be duplicated across all languages, leading to a huge amount of database bloat and performance issues. We only translate alt text on certain pages and do not need to swap images between languages.

The default Media Translation settings are causing all media to be duplicated across all languages, leading to database bloat and performance issues.

What settings should be used to allow for media to only be duplicated when pages are specifically sent for translation vs any time media is uploaded to a post or page?
If I uncheck the top 3 options, will I still be able to have some media on certain pages to have translated alt text?

Das Thema '[Geschlossen] What settings should I use when we only want to duplicate certain media attachments?' ist für neue Antworten geschlossen.