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Verbinden Sie Ihre WordPress-Website mit Skrivanek über WPML und beginnen Sie, Inhalte direkt aus dem Admin-Dashboard zur Übersetzung zu senden.

Service Offered


Was ist Skrivanek?

Skrivanek ist ein globaler Anbieter von Sprachdienstleistungen, einschließlich Übersetzung, Lokalisierung und Dolmetschen.
Sie sind Experten in über 100 Sprachen und können alle Arten von Website-Inhalten in verschiedenen Branchen und Bereichen übersetzen.
Als WPML-Partner können Sie sich auf Skrivanek für eine reibungslose Zusammenarbeit und hochwertige Übersetzungen verlassen.

Übersetzen mit Skrivanek und WPML

WPML’s Übersetzungsmanagement-Dashboard macht es einfach, Ihre Website mit Skrivanek zu übersetzen. Wählen Sie einfach aus, welche Inhalte Sie übersetzen möchten, in welche Sprachen und senden Sie sie an Skrivanek.

Beginnen Sie mit Skrivanek

Um mit Skrivanek und WPML zu übersetzen, benötigen Sie WPML’s Multilingual CMS oder Multilingual Agency Plan und ein Skrivanek Konto.

Sobald Sie Ihre Konten erstellt haben, benötigen Sie ein Zugangstoken, um WPML mit Skrivanek zu verbinden.

Skrivanek Bewertungen

5 von 5 Sternen

5 stars

Fast, professional and friendly service

Highly recommended! Professional translation and very good service. The cooperation was a pleasure and resulted in several language versions.

5 stars

Very good communication, translation very good

Everything went very smoothly and the quality of the translations were very good. Good communication.

Pascal Trouvé


5 stars

Bezproblemowa współpraca przy tłumaczeniu strony na język ukraiński

Zdecydowanie polecam usługi biura w zakresie tłumaczeń stron www. Zespół jest kompetentny i w pełni przygotowany do współpracy z agencją tworzącą stronę. Team Skrivanek wykazał się nie tylko na polu tłumaczenia, ale także znajomości narzędzi, które ułatwiają stworzenie obcojęzycznej wersji językowej strony www. Wszystko zostało wykonane z należytą starannością i zachowaniem terminów. Dziękuję za rzetelną pracę!!!

5 stars


Wykonana przez firmę Skrivanek usługa tłumaczenia strony internetowej została wykonana szybko i profesjonalnie a tym samym w pełni spełniła nasze oczekiwania.

Wiesław Reguła


5 stars

Together we made it! We launched a new KRONUS website!

It took us more than a year to create it, and together we have overcome challenges that we didn’t even think might ever appear. What has been done? 🎉 Developed from scratch on WP for easier content management 🎉 Integrated it with our CRM to serve our valuable customers faster 🎉 Entirely re-worked texts & most of the visual content 🎉 Translated content to 14 languages Thanks to all involved for your input: ➡ the most incredible team of web developers from GeeksForLess Inc.: VP Victor Ivanovskyi, Project Manager Valery Goncharuk, Back-End Developer Denys Dombrovskyi, Front-End Developer Irina Kavun, QA Anastasiia Kravchenko, Graphic Designer Pavel Poloskov, who continued the work in the most horrible WAR conditions in Ukraine. A great job is done, fantastic #teamwork, 24/7 support, and – on top of the cake – a wonderful sense of humor no matter what! May the force be with you! 💙💛 ➡ our translation agency Skrivanek Baltic, part of Skrivanek Group: Karina Kovalova, Arturs Peha, Dana Laizane ➡ my team: Eba Jokste-Lāce & Pavel Judakov, who jumped on this fast-running train this summer, had to learn content & web management under deadline pressure, created content, and did a lot of sometimes boring but very crucial work for this project! And my manager Artjoms Minajevs for your patience and support. ➡ KRONUS Sales, Marketing, IT, HRD, Quality, and Support department colleagues, for your input and valuable feedback! There is still much work to be done, but a webpage is like renovation; it is never ready and never perfect 😊 I am sure we can manage it all with a team like this!

Diana Smirnova


5 stars

Translating website into Lithuanian

We are using WordPress with WPML for all our company websites and once we were considering localizing the page in the Lithuanian language, there was no doubt we should do it via the WPML plugin. Thanks to the Skrivanek Poland team for the great support in localizing our page. Our case was more complicated as we wanted to localize the page, not from the default language which is Latvian, but English as the main page.

Evita Liduma


5 stars

Great and reliable

We have done translations with Skrivanek several times and always it was very good. They have not only great translators, with native speakers but what is maybe more important very good customer service.

Adam Grabiński


5 stars

Quality of service at the highest level

Professional and fast translation service – we recommend cooperation with Skrivanek Sp. z o.o. – the quality of service at the highest level. CCIG Group Sp. z o.o.

5 stars

Quickly and efficient!

The translation was carried out very quickly and accurately. Zero questions 🙂

5 stars

Translation was fast, accurate with good price and team is helpful!

I can totally recommed Skrivanek services! We were making 4 languages translations and everything was made fast, very accurate with good price! 2 of languages are not common but its not problem for Skrivanek. We had some issues on our site and Skrivanek helped us to fix it.



5 stars

I recommend Skrivanek

Very efficient service and technical support!

iamelectric Sp. z o.o.


5 stars

Great to have a business with!


Tschechische Republik

Seit 1994