Problem: The client reported that the navigation and footer disappear when selecting the German version of their site. Solution: For the navigation logo issue, we recommended creating a new HTML widget under WP > Appearance > Widgets > Logo and pasting the same HTML there, but selecting the German language for the "Display on Language" option. Here is the HTML code used:
Regarding the missing footer, we requested more information on how the client created the footers for the Danish and English versions, which were accessed through WP > Yootheme > Widgets > Bottom.
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If further assistance is needed, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: The client is experiencing issues where the Theme Settings display data for all languages on the same page instead of just the current language after updating WPML plugins. Additionally, there is an error in ACF PRO: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in isset or empty. Solution: We recommend deleting all field groups from the German and Italian versions completely, including removing them from the trash. Then, access your settings page and set the following options to "Not translatable": - Options Pages (acf-ui-options-page) - Field Groups (acf-field-group) This ensures that only one version of each field group exists. If the fields are still missing, you may need to manually recreate and translate them, or consider restoring the website to a previous state before these changes were made for further review.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If problems persist, please open a new support ticket.
Problème: Les filtres sur les pages d'archives de produits disparaissent ou ne fonctionnent pas correctement lorsque la page est affichée en anglais. Les filtres affectés incluent la fourchette de prix, la sélection dropdown, les couleurs et les checkbox. Solution: Nous vous recommandons de suivre les guides de configuration pour assurer la compatibilité entre Jetsmartfilters et WPML. Voici les liens vers les documentations pertinentes:
Si cette solution ne résout pas votre problème ou semble dépassée, nous vous invitons à ouvrir un nouveau ticket de support. Nous vous recommandons également de vérifier les problèmes connus sur, de vérifier la version du correctif permanent, et de confirmer que vous avez installé les dernières versions des thèmes et plugins. Pour toute assistance supplémentaire, veuillez contacter notre forum de support en suivant ce lien :
Problem: You are developing a site and need help translating text and slugs for Custom Post Types created with ACF using WPML. You cannot find where to translate some text and slugs for Custom Post Types. Solution: First, ensure that the archive page is functioning correctly without a custom slug. If you're using a custom archive slug, it's not translatable by default. We recommend deleting the custom slug to see if the default archive slug works correctly. For further guidance, check this documentation.
Regarding the archive slugs, there are two types: 1)
'has_archive' => true
: This setting uses the default slug as an archive slug, which can be translated using WPML. 2)
'has_archive' => 'custom_slug'
: This setting uses a custom slug for the archive page. By defining a specific string as a value, you set the same slug for both the default and secondary languages.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If further assistance is needed, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: You are unable to use the autotranslate feature on your website despite having added 70000 credits to your WPML account, as it shows that the credits are zero.
If the credits are assigned but not reflecting in the Translation Management dashboard, follow these steps: 1. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Commercial on your website. 2. Unregister WPML by clicking the unregister link. 3. Visit WPML Account Sites. 4. Delete the existing site key. 5. Create a new site key and remember to assign the credits. 6. Return to Plugins -> Add New -> Commercial on your website. 7. Click the register link and use the new site key to register.
If these steps do not resolve the issue, we recommend checking related known issues at WPML Known Issues, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket.
Problem: The client is attempting to use a different logo for each language translation on their site, but despite uploading a .png version through WPML Media Translation, the logo does not update on the front end. The header is designed using Elementor Pro.
Solution: We recommend editing the header in the default language using Elementor to replace the .SVG logo with the .PNG version. After making this change, save the header and update the translation of the header.
Please note that this solution might be irrelevant if it's outdated or not applicable to your specific case. We highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket.
Problem: The client is transitioning their site from WP Bakery to Astra/Spectra and needs to re-translate pages without changing the existing slugs. They are concerned about how to manage slug translations and media during this process. Solution: 1. To prevent slug changes during re-translation, set the WPML → Settings → Translated documents options → Page URL to "Auto-generate from title". This prevents slugs from being translated and keeps them as is.
2. When re-translating pages, if you do not want to override existing translations, WPML will not update the translations unless the original content is modified. If you choose to override, WPML will ask whether to update the translation based on new content.
3. For managing slugs, if "Translate" is selected, WPML will create a new translated slug. If "Copy from original" is selected, it will use the slug from the original language. There is currently no option to keep existing translated slugs if overriding translations; manual adjustment is necessary after overriding.
4. For images, you can use different images for each language without translating the image content. Upload language-specific images using the media translation tool.
If this solution does not fully address your issue or seems outdated, we recommend opening a new support ticket. Also, check related known issues at WPML Known Issues and ensure you have the latest versions of themes and plugins installed. For further assistance, please visit our support forum.
Problema: Stai cercando di tradurre parti del tuo sito creato con Gutenberg, ma incontri difficoltà nel tradurre alcuni blocchi di testo. Soluzione: Se il blocco che stai cercando di tradurre è un blocco personalizzato, è necessario registrarlo per la traduzione. Ti consigliamo di seguire la procedura descritta in questa documentazione: rendere i blocchi Gutenberg personalizzati traducibili.
Se la soluzione proposta non risolve il problema o se la documentazione sembra non aggiornata, ti invitiamo a verificare che tu abbia installato le ultime versioni dei temi e dei plugin. Inoltre, ti consigliamo di consultare la pagina dei problemi noti per verificare se il problema è già stato riscontrato e risolto in una versione successiva. Se il problema persiste, non esitare a aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto.