Problem: You added languages to your pages and included links to the translated pages in your blog posts. However, when you click on these links, they redirect to the original language instead of the translation page. Solution: We recommend checking the following documentation on a known issue with Betheme where internal links in translations point to the default language: Your current version of Betheme is, and this issue was resolved in version 27.5.10. Please update your theme to the latest version by following the changelog link here: After updating, verify if the issue with the translation links is resolved.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it is outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: You are trying to translate a website using Gutenberg blocks with Carbon Fields, but encounter an error when editing the page from the admin panel, and no blocks are displayed on the frontend. Solution: We have identified that the issue might be related to the handling of complex or serialized fields by plugins similar to Carbon Fields. We recommend checking our errata on handling custom fields with complex keys stored as serialized arrays in WPML. You can find the temporary workaround here: Custom Fields with Complex Keys Are Stored as Serialized Arrays in WPML. Please try this solution and see if it resolves the issue.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, we highly recommend opening a new support ticket. Also, please check related known issues at, verify the version of the permanent fix, and confirm that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. For further assistance, you can contact us directly through the WPML support forum.
Problema: Estás intentando activar el plugin 'WPML String Translation' en un entorno de pruebas y al hacerlo, se produce un error crítico que bloquea la web. Actualizaste todos los plugins a la última versión, pero el error persiste desde antes de la actualización. Solución: 1. Verifica si el error que experimentas es el mismo que el reportado en este problema conocido: 2. Si decides desinstalar 'WPML String Translation', ten en cuenta que perderás todas las tablas y configuraciones asociadas al plugin. Si no tienes acceso a FTP, puedes sobreescribir la carpeta del plugin utilizando el plugin 'WP File Manager' disponible en:
Si esta solución no resuelve tu problema o parece no ser relevante debido a que está desactualizada o no se ajusta a tu caso, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También te sugerimos revisar los problemas conocidos en, verificar la versión del arreglo permanente y confirmar que tienes instaladas las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins. Para más asistencia, visita nuestro foro de soporte en
Problema: Dopo gli aggiornamenti automatici di WordPress (6.7.2) e WPML (4.7.0), il sito è crashato. Il problema si verifica solo quando WPML è attivo. Soluzione: Il problema che stai riscontrando è noto e documentato qui: Ti consigliamo di seguire le istruzioni fornite in quella pagina per risolvere il problema.
Se la soluzione proposta non risolve il problema o se le informazioni sono obsolete, ti invitiamo a verificare la versione della correzione permanente e a confermare che hai installato le ultime versioni dei temi e dei plugin. Inoltre, ti consigliamo di consultare la pagina dei problemi noti di WPML qui: Se il problema persiste, ti invitiamo a aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. Should you need further assistance, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: You are experiencing issues with non-Latin slugs for custom post types such as news, events, and resources on your website after updating to WordPress 7.62. These pages stop functioning, and rolling back to a previous version or changing slugs to Latin characters in WPML settings > Post Types Translation resolves the issue. Solution: We recommend checking the following WPML errata page for a known issue related to WordPress 6.7, which persists in later versions including 7.62: This problem occurs even without WPML if you use non-Latin character slugs for your Custom Post Types.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If issues persist, please open a new support ticket with us for further assistance.
Problem: Вы столкнулись с проблемой, когда административные строки заменяются переводами после посещения настройщика. Это известная ошибка, связанная с использованием родительской темы Astra. Solution: Мы рекомендуем вам применить временное решение, описанное здесь: Пожалуйста, не забудьте сделать резервную копию сайта перед внесением изменений.
Если это решение не актуально или не помогло, рекомендуем вам открыть новый тикет поддержки. Также настоятельно рекомендуем проверить известные проблемы, убедиться в версии исправления и подтвердить, что у вас установлены последние версии тем и плагинов.
Problem: Dopo l'aggiornamento del plugin WPML, ricevi un errore critico quando provi a modificare e aprire una pagina. Solution: Se stai riscontrando questo problema, ti consigliamo di disattivare temporaneamente i plugin di WPML. Puoi farlo via FTP o tramite il file manager offerto dal tuo hosting. Rinomina le cartelle dei plugin di WPML, poi accedi al back-end del tuo sito (/wp-admin > Plugins > All plugins) e riattivali. Una soluzione permanente sarà disponibile nella versione 4.7.1 di WPML
Se la soluzione proposta non risolve il problema o se sembra non essere più rilevante, ti invitiamo a consultare la pagina dei problemi noti per verificare se il problema è già stato risolto in una versione successiva del plugin. Assicurati inoltre di avere installato le ultime versioni dei temi e dei plugin. Se il problema persiste, ti consigliamo di aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto sul forum di supporto WPML.
Problem: The client is experiencing a PHP error related to WooCommerce, indicating that the function
was called incorrectly, suggesting that translation loading for the WooCommerce domain was triggered too early.
Solution: We recommend updating all plugins to their latest versions, as this issue has been addressed in recent updates of WooCommerce, WPML, and other popular plugins. Before updating, please ensure to take a full backup of your website and database. It is highly advised to perform these updates on a staging or development site first to avoid compromising your live website.
If you encounter a fatal error during the update, try disabling all other plugins except for WPML and WooCommerce to check if the error persists. If the issue continues, please provide us with more details, and we will assist you further.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems irrelevant due to being outdated or not applicable to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If further assistance is needed, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.