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Tell me that the plugin overwritten the .htaccess when you updated it, and this caused a 500 error o…

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

1 2 1 mese, 1 settimana fa


My website has been moved to another server, how can I translate it?

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

1 2 2 mese, 2 settimana fa

yul-8 has moved servers and now cannot connect to WPML

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

1 2 2 mese, 2 settimana fa


The WP backend always prompts that the database is full, please contact WPML technology

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: English Support

0 3 3 mese, 2 settimana fa

Bruno Kos

The WP backend always prompts that the database is full, please contact WPML technology

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

1 2 3 mese, 2 settimana fa


I translated into 5 languages, which increased MySQL usage by 700MB. How can I solve this problem?

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: English Support

1 3 3 mese, 2 settimana fa

Andreas W.

I translated into 5 languages, which increased MySQL usage by 700MB. How can I solve this problem?

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

0 2 3 mese, 3 settimana fa


After using this translation plugin, my website opens very slowly and I cannot upload new products.

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

1 2 6 mese, 1 settimana fa

The I/O usage of the website server has reached 100%. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

1 2 6 mese, 1 settimana fa

The I/O usage of the website server has reached 100%. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

1 2 6 mese, 1 settimana fa

I checked the translated pages and found that they were not translated into the Spanish language I w…

Iniziato da: yul-8 in: Chat Support

1 2 7 mese fa

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